Sunday, May 26, 2013

I'm BACK~~!!!

It was two years ago that I updated my blog.

Now ,I'm back. Yet, not more as a UTM student.

Before I graduated, I am wonder what should I do after I graduated.

 I have received the PhD offer letter from UTM. So, PhD or an engineer??

I have asked other peoples opinions but all of them say " go for PhD la, high salary, good benefits ,drive good cars, own big house, bla bla bla........"

Honestly, I know that I am not a "talented & smart student" in study field. Fortunately, I am able to graduated with 1st class degree. The main reason i study hard to get 1st class degree is not to get offer for further study, the main and the only one reason is to NO NEED PAY BACK PTPTN~~!!!!!

So, for the PhD offer letter, I turn it down.

I choose to become an Engineer. Hope my decision is correct.

##For those who want to know the procedures to apply PTPTN repayment exemption,  
you can check below link.

PTPTN repayment exemption

PTPTN Repayment Exemption (For 1st Class Degree )

I want to share my experiences on applying PTPTN Repayment Exemption (For 1st class degree ).

To apply this, you have to do the following steps.

1) Go to the website to check whether your course is accredited by MQR. Following is an example for the accredited course in UTM. Print out the Accreditation slip.

sample of accredited course

2. Download the "Surat Akuan Pelajar" from PTPTN Website.

3. Write an official letter. For the letter, you can refer below letter:

(Your home address)


Unit Penguatkuasaan dan Kutipan Balik,
Bahagian Pinjaman pelajar,

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional
Lot G2, Tingkat Bawah
Wisma Chase Perdana Off Jalan Semantan
Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

Tuan / Puan,

Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, saya, (YOUR NAME), No KP : XXXXXX-XX-XXXX graduan dari (University XXXX) ingin memohon pengecualian bayaran balik pinjaman bagi ijazah kepujian kelas pertama.

2. Untuk pengetahuan Tuan / Puan, saya telah menamatkan pengajian saya dalam (your course) di (University XXXX) dengan kepujian Kelas Pertama (PNGK X.XX). Lampiran yang disertakan bersama dengan surat ini adalah salinan ijazah dan salinan transkrip yang telah disahkan oleh penolong pendaftar dari Bahagian Akademik.

3. Untuk memudahkan rujukan oleh Tuan / Puan, saya menyertakan bersama nombor rujukan PTPTN iaitu PTPTN/SPP/XXXX/XXXXX. (you can find this number at your PTPTN application letter)
Saya mendahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak Tuan / Puan atas jasa baik Tuan / Puan.


Yang Benar,



4. Photocopy your 1st class certificate and the transcript and get certify by your university Academic Management Division.

Then, attached all the documents (Step 1 to step 4) in envelope & send to 

Unit Penguatkuasaan dan Kutipan Balik,
Bahagian Pinjaman pelajar,

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional
Lot G2, Tingkat Bawah
Wisma Chase Perdana Off Jalan Semantan
Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

After that just call PTPTN to follow your application status.

Good luck~~!!!